
Space for daily notes and observations by the participating families

The first day: A second opinion :o)

Good evening! In order to provide a fuller image of our plans to engage in everyday life, I shall add a few complementary notes. As my dear wife has already written, today we walked through some of Krumlov and as part of our job tried to imagine what normal things (planned normalcy or even slightly […]

First day in Krumlov

Wishing everybody a good Monday evening 🙂 There’s still lots of people in Krumlov, day or night. The best way to tell is by how tame the birds are. One pleasant surprise is that there are no pigeons here, but lots of swallows and other small birds, some of which are so tame that they’ll […]

Festival weekend

Friday at four in the afternoon, a group of enthusiasts got together on the square, and with the help of two other buskers and a local guitarist who were playing by the fountain, invited passers-by to attend the third annual Summer Outdoor Film Festival. The festival program was put together by a small group of […]


Sometimes – meaning on some days – there are fewer tourists, but I still sit on my one bench, eating, and the tourists walk right across my feet. I’m half expecting them to climb onto my shoulders – I just can’t believe it! The Chinese behave like they don’t even see me. Otherwise nothing new […]


Both yesterday and today, the streets were filled with tourists since the early morning hours. One problem is the “Alchemists’ House” in our street. Insiders have told us that it is going to be a hotel or restaurant. A local teacher nearly has a fit whenever she sees the stuffed deer in the window of […]

parking, tourists

There’s no place to park in town. It’s not a good place to live. It’s very difficult to walk through the city center – the crowds of tourists, mainly from Asia, are more and more inconsiderate. The center is dead; there isn’t a single “normal” store. Town hall should think about what to do and […]


When residents of Český Krumlov want to show their grandchildren where they live (or rather, don’t live), they have to drive 2km. A pretty square, a fountains, pretty narrow streets, but CAREFUL – it’s not for you. It’s for Japanese and Chinese and other tourists. There could be more benches on the road from the […]


I guess that as more and more tourists started coming to Krumlov, the locals figured out that they could make money from them. So they turned every doorway into a shop window for souvenirs or hats. Unfortunately, in its greed the town completely forget about its own inhabitants. And since the city isn’t interested in […]


We spend the morning on a stone bench on Latrán. Then we go to the square, where a reporter takes our picture. He later came for a visit while I was making lunch. In the newspaper, I found something about a dance event at the castle. I ask where the Masquerade Hall is – we […]