Respekt? Respekt!

Today, I opened the latest edition of Respektmagazine and immediately came across two articles about the issues we are addressing here in Český Krumlov. Too many tourists, not enough locals, the disappearance of normal life.

One article was about Venice, the other about Prague Castle and the surrounding areas. All the things we complain about – high prices or dishonest taxi drivers or change offices – is amplified once locals (i.e., Czechs) disappear.

I think about what, if anything, would happen if ordinary Krumlovites starting going to the restaurant by the river and asked why a piece of meat with potatoes and salad costs 780 crowns.

What would happen if all the anger and disapproval aimed at UNES-CO were channeled into formulating the things that truly bother them and into demanding real change from those in charge?

How would tourists react if they got some feedback about the fact that they should not block the street, not take pictures of some things, not do certain things? I have never seen anyone actually say anything about the behavior that locals complain about.

I’d be interested in knowing whether any locals see in this project the potential for truly changing something, as a way for them to publicly formulate the things that bother them about life in Krumlov, and to use the project to push the city government to make the city more livable.